Chamber News
By: albanyadmin
In 2017, Southern Point Staffing provided employment opportunities to more than 540 people in the Albany Area. This Albany Area Chamber 2018 Small Business of the Year nominee believes that finding and creating sustainable employment opportunities is a major factor in strengthening our community and improving the lives of our neighbors. The agency’s community involvement is extensive and far-reaching; following the January 2017, Southern Point Staffing rallied the support of friends, neighbors and employees to distribute water, food and toiletries to hundreds of storm-impacted families, and assisted in chainsaw, tractor and debris-clearing teams. For its efforts, Southern Point Staffing received the Chamber’s 2017 Albany Strong Award.
The 2018 Small Business of the Year and 2018 Non-Profit of the Year will be announced at the 2018 Small Business and Non-Profit Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 1 at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Doublegate Country Club. Register for the event here.