Lee County High School Distinguished Alumni Nomination

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By: Jay Houston



The Lee County High School Distinguished Alumni Committee is pleased to announce that it will be accepting nominations for its 2019 LCHS Distinguished Alumni Award.

The purpose of the Lee County High School Distinguished Alumni Award is to recognize outstanding alumni of Lee County High School who have maintained a high standard of excellence and distinguished themselves through their work, personal accomplishments, or in the lives of others.  These individuals exemplify the ideals of the Lee County School System and the community it serves and should be held as role models for current and future Lee County High School students.

Award Criteria

  • Must be a Lee County High School graduate at least 15 years prior to nomination.
  • Award may be given posthumously.
  • Nominees will have distinguished themselves through their work, personal accomplishments, or in the lives of others and is noted in his/her field of endeavor or recognized for his/her expertise and accomplishments.
  • Nominees must be in good standing in their community, past and present.
  • Nominees will have demonstrated positive leadership and service or contributions to community or society.
  • There will be a maximum of 7 individuals selected each year as Distinguished Alumni.
  • Once a nomination is made it will be reconsidered on an annual basis.

Nomination Process and Timeline

The nomination may be submitted by a friend, family member, or colleague.  All nominations must be postmarked/delivered no later than June 1, 2019 and must be submitted by mail or in person to the Lee County Chamber of Commerce, 100-B Starksville Avenue, North, Leesburg, GA  31763.

In addition to the nomination form, it is required that two letters of support of the nominee be included, completed by individuals other than the nominator, and must be included with the nomination form.  Also, a resume of the nominee and supporting documentation should be included with the nomination form.

Nominations will be reviewed by the Distinguished Alumni Committee.  This committee consists of representatives from (1) The Lee County Retired Educators (2) Lee County Family Connection (3) Community-at-large (4) Lee County School System.

Applications are available at the Lee County Chamber of Commerce or Lee County High School front office or online at the Lee County School System website:  http://www.lee.k12.ga.us, the Lee County Panoptic website:  http://www.lee.k12.ga.us/lchs/yearbook.html, Lee County Family Connection website:  www.leecountyfamilyconnection.org, and the Lee County Chamber website:  http://www.leechamber.net/.  You can also request an application be emailed to you by contacting Lisa Davis at ldavis@lee.ga.usor Bill Turoski at billturoski@synovus.com.

For further information please contact Lisa Davis with the Lee County Chamber of Commerce at 759-2422, or Bill Turoski with Synovus Bank at 430-7034.

Nomination Packet 2019[1]


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