Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful, an Albany Area Chamber 2018 Nonprofit of the Year nominee, educates and challenges citizens to take greater responsibility for protecting and enhancing the community’s environment. In 2017, the Board of Commissioners of Keep Albany-Dougherty Beautiful implemented a hands-on grassroots education program that involved citizens from all walks of life. Public and private partnerships support environmental awareness through hands-on involvement. Over the course of the year, 141,144 hours of environmental services were donated, changing environmental attitudes and behaviors that will impact generations for years to come.
The 2018 Small Business of the Year and 2018 Non-Profit of the Year will be announced at the 2018 Small Business and Non-Profit Awards Reception on Tuesday, May 1 at 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Doublegate Country Club. Register for the event here.