Roll up your sleeves and join a talent strategy implementation team

Talent is the driving force for business location and a critical component of business success. Albany is a strong, innovative and leading community in which people want to live and businesses want to invest. It’s a community in which small businesses emerge and grow and global industries thrive. The Albany – Dougherty County Works! Talent Development Strategy 2.0 leverages Albany’s assets, spirit, and community resources to enhance prosperity and maximize impact an opportunity for our citizens and its businesses.

We are actively implementing these strategies now and need your help! To JOIN the Talent 2.0 team via these committees, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will reach out with more details:

Talent 2.0 represents a two-year roadmap to strengthen build a modern and adaptive work force. The 2023 effort, launched by the Albany Area Chamber Foundation, advances and amplifies impact by building on the successes and opportunities of the 2020 strategy. The work centers around three key priority areas: Community Connection and Coordination; Youth Pipeline Development; and Continued Adult Preparation. Each priority has a committee to reach their individual growth goals.

Learn more about the goals & objectives of this missive >>

We a grateful to the dedicated community members who have so graciously volunteered their time to champion this mission in each of our three priorities:

Priority 1:

Community Connection and Coordination:

Jessica Castle (Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital)

Chris Hatcher  (Albany-Dougherty Economic Development Commission chairman)

Priority 2:

Youth Pipeline Development:

Jodi Collins (Mars Wrigley Confectionary)

Angie Gardner (Commodore Conyers College and Career Academy)

Priority 3:

Continued Adult Preparation:

Nathaniel Cooper (Turner Job Corps)

Gabe Lord (Lord Solutions)