GMEN Entrepreneurs Event

Join Georgia Micro Enterprise Network for their upcoming forum of business leaders and stakeholders in Albany, Georgia, on August 24, 2017, at Albany Community Together, Inc. located on 230 S Jackson St., Suite 118. Thelma Adams-Johnson and Shirley Sherrod are co-hosts. The forum titled, Money Matters: Leveraging Local Resources for Small, Micro, AgriBusinesses & Returning Citizens will be hosted by the Georgia Micro Enterprise Network and sponsored by Small Business Administration SBA.  The event will be held from 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM with lunch provided.

The is a distinguished array of influential leaders from the private, government, nonprofit sectors and faith-base community on the panel and as guest. There will be three different panel discussions.

  • 1st Panelist – Funders & Sponsor .. “Money Matters”
  • 2nd Panelist – MDO, Entrepreneurial Training & Technical Assistance .. “Resources”
  • 3rd Panelist – RITES, Reentry From Incarceration Through Entrepreneurship Service “Returning Citizens”
  • Networking & Lunch

The Money Matters: Leveraging Local Resources for Small, Micro, AgriBusinesses & Returning Citizens will assemble several entrepreneurs, financial institutions, micro business development organizations, policy makers, investors, faith based institutions and influencers from across the state of Georgia. Through this networking- rich opportunity, we will engage in conversations about the changing economic landscape in Georgia and how it impacts micro and small businesses.

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Sonya Toomer, Executive Project Manager at or 470-219-4223.

G M E N (Georgia Micro Enterprise Network) is a statewide, non‐profit, 501c3 corporation established in 1997 to be a catalyst for economic development and to create opportunities and a better environment for micro, small and agribusiness development in the State of Georgia.